Not bad for a Monday

Not a bad day at all for a Monday and a work day at that although I did get a bit frisky today at work when I had a bunch of wood to pick up today and thought "hey I gott'a pick up the wood anyway, why not do some deep knee bends while I'm at it!" Yeah right! Hell my poor Ole' 46yr old legs can't do that! Thought I might have to call the boss and get some help to get off the toilet! Think I'll stick with my weak legs and forget the macho!
So anyone out there going to miss T.O. tonight? Well I for one and I know that there aren't many of them out there, but I like to watch him. Lets face it, he can pull off plays that most can't! And you never know what's going to happen when he's on the field, perhaps its the unknown that I find exciting!
Tonight I also had an appointment with my therapist and that went really well, although I forgot about the appointment till on the way home from work and didn't have any of my journal printed up tonight as well. I get out of work and then I have a 1/2 an hr. to get there, well there was only enough time to come in and grab my laptop and head right there. Dan my therapist told me that it was the first time that anyone has ever brought their PC and read off it!
Anyway again I urge anyone out there that is having anxiety or depression problems to start a journal, get professional help! Don't be too proud to seek help, and don't be so angry as to not be able to forgive other's or yourself!
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