Lifes Struggles, Lifes Highs & Lows

My highs as well as my struggles thru life. Perhaps we can all learn from one another so as not to repeat ones mistakes.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Great Football day

It was a great football day today, and that Redskins, Bucks game! What a game! And my boy come over to watch the end of the game with me tonight that's always good too! He come over and had his finger all wrapped up tonight and I asked what's up with that? Well these young guys and their party's you know. He went to a college for a party this weekend and his buddy threw up on himself, so they went to the car for a clean shirt and guess what! Yes an alcohol related accident! The guy slammed my sons finger in the car door!! Ouch! So he's off to the Dr. Tomorrow. I tried to talk him into letting me drill a hole in his finger nail but he was having no part of that. He's walking around like he wants to ask a question all the time, with his hand raised in the air! I'll have to tell you more about him, he's quite the guy. We are very proud of him, he's only 21yrs old and a manger at a Wal mart already.


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