My first entry

Hello, this is my very first entry and to tell you the truth I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with this journal. I started a journal about 8 months ago when I started seeing a therapist for an anxiety disorder and also was put on a drug called effexor. I would like to tell anyone that is having problems to have the courage to go and see a Dr. And get help! That was to toughest part for me and didn't go till I was feeling very ill, but now that I look back it was the best decision that I've ever made.
The reason that I ended up needing help was pretty much due to having problems with my mother, you see my mother is in a nursing home but it took a long time to get her there and 4 surgeries. As a child my mother was never there for me and towards the end of my childhood I lived with my grandmother because my mother locked me out of the house one day after school and that was that as far as living with her. I don't want to come off as a whiner but the bottom line is this, she was asking more from me than I had to give emotional and physical and yes I did in fact hate my mother as bad as that sounds. The good news is this, I have since learned to forgive her and begin to help her with her situation and things are much better than they were.
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